Friday 26 October 2012

cover page

Out of the 50 images I took for my cover I decided upon this image because I thought this would suit my college magazine the best. I choose this because it shows that college is a place where you are to learn but can also enjoy the areas around it and be able to socialise with your friends. I also chose it because it represents students very well as my model seems happy to be at college.

With choosing the text and the style I decided to keep it to minimal but classy look. I made the headings bold so it stands out and grabs the attention of the consumer. As I am manufacturing a social college  I wanted to make each heading on the left side  third different as students like to read different texts and making it different from each text makes that more attracting to the students. furthermore I intended to only choose three colours as I stated earlier that I wanted an minimal look. I arranged the colours one after another so there are no two heading of the same colour next to each other.

The layout for my cover is only left side third and bottom because I wanted to have the face of my model to be clear and no texts on top, this shows direct mode of address as my model is making eye contact with the audience.   

The target audience for my magazine is students as it is a college magazine, but this be for students are like going out a lot as well as learning. That is why I choose a student who seem like they are enjoying life at college and choose the colours by what they represent.

I really liked using Photoshop, I found it quite easy to form the base of the magazine because there so many slides that able you to change things around  and place them in different order after I had created each slide I made changes to the text to suit the style. I didn’t find any major problems in using the software but it does get bit annoying when you cant tell which slide you are on and end up moving some other text.  

Thursday 25 October 2012

contents page


 For my content page I did not want to use a background image because I wanted to go for a minimalistic style but I did use a cover of my magazine so there is some kind of an image on the contents page. For the background I used black and made it fade away to white so it doesn’t look dull. In using black for the background I was able to make my title white which would stand out clearing.

I only used blue and white mainly for my text because I wanted to stick to the same theme as on my cover. Also I used black for the text for the issue column so it does not look to boring and same as everything else on the page. I included a quote from a student which I think shows a sense of care to it.  

I went for a simple layout using three columns, two of them mainly for the information and the other for the cover page and a little paragraph of what you would be seeing in the magazine, in addition I decided to have the title on the space above and tilt to the left like they do on Vibe magazine and I thought this would suit my magazine as well as I wanted to go for a minimal look. Also for design purposes only I decided to separate each heading using a dotted line so you are able to look down and stop at any particular point and not reading one headline and another description. 

I found using InDesign for this quite frustrating to use but I helped in creating a successful contents page after I got held of how to use it. I found the guidelines on top of the layout very useful because it made me structuring my  layout simple because all I needed to do was draw a text box, choose a font which suited the whole page and position it, so it looked aesthetically pleasing to the target market.